Annie's homework[ finished]
- Negative and Positive
- Geometry
- Reference Book [ left some color visual go back Penang only print]
Ms. chew assignment
who can tell me how to get the size of 10.8 x 14cm?
cause don't know the size how to start draw at adobe illustrator?
Yesterday did the homework until 2am, so today very tired.
slept and then slept again~ this holiday i believe everyone can take a good rest and sleep like a pig^^v.
Before holiday i got a lot thing haven do.. so i wait this short break.
so close , everything was solved. but left the pin code haven buy~ tomorrow must go to buy!! and biding my reference book. wait the day i go back Penang at 29th then my reference book will complete , just complete the stage 1, after semester break the visual due date. then will be continue the stage 2 of pencil thumb 2pages 4sketches.
so fast u was done it...
i still have not strat it...
n oso still no idea what i want to draw for the final project...
sry...i cant help u...the size i oso dun noe wo~XD
nono~ i not have a gd rest..
hi William
cause i want faster finish then faster i got time to relax ^^..
i don't want always rush to complete it.. will be very very tired.
h'm which type of movie you like?
maybe i can give you some suggestion?
Ha! ha! ^^
Haiz.. i think need to ask mrs. chew liao! haha... no people know? hehe..
never mind still got time to finish up.
why you don't have good time to rest?
mind to ask you a question?
u born at 1988 year ?ha! ha..
yes lo~ tired tired...
but i have not enough time d...
coz this break i must use 2...
rest,sleep,enjoy,hung out wif my friend,working & a lot...
bcoz i like relax d~XD haha...
i like recent d X-men oringis: wolverine..
but i cant find the pic..~_~
yup~ i'm 1988 d~ old liao...
Y ask this?
yerr you like that x men de people ar? not bad ma.. why cant find wor?
goo google search la..
i pek ceh ar.. here what also don't have de..
just now i go biding ma..
also dont have.. @@ so i go back penang only do lioa lurr..
you are so siok!
i cant relax also..
but got met my frd.. she came back from KL.. and 2moro i go back my another frd come back from KL cant met.. need wait hari raya puasa liao.. pity leh?
i also like relax!! but cannot.. too many thing need to do.. sad..
i think u smaller than me de leh~
haha mana tau u 1988 de..
>< haha..
i oso don noe.. but i really like to c x-men when i childhood until now... i not have buy magazine... n newspeper oso have not find it... i got find it in google..but when print out will not detail d wor...
what siok? no siok la... actually i nave not rest oso...
haha... ahbo u thought what my age b4 ah? u c me baby face ah~?
i see
well, William how your work going on? okay bah ^^?
hey i think now x-men very comman sure got lot magazine got.
go search bah..
hey, i go print in photo paper de.. like that look more clear, i wasted rm8 to print like that very clear , and find big K.byte de photo. print sure very blur one.
xD i tot u just 1990 year ha!ha!haa..
maybe you look young bah ^^ and modern.. not like me aunty style already, OUTDATE.
not very well... tired... ai xi liao~
i oso got this idea b4... but it's so expensive... i pok kai liao lo~
what young la~ i got 皱纹liao lu~
modern? i not think so...
lol..u r not aunty style la~ u oso pretty ma~ wakakak...
you are right~
i can tell you i spent a lot already ^^v..
i go print photo one RM8
then print A3 size and A4 size all RM13 then buy sketch book Rm5.80
then mounting board RM2.80..
haiz.. total not cheap lo..
one reference book only.
bo huat ar.. if u use not good quality print out very blur de.. , i go dolphin print 1 RM2 lo =)
aikszz.. not you pok kai nia, me also pok kai d hahahaa..
yes u r! u r modern than everyone in our class hahaa =)
thanks, but i am not pretty haha =p
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