Saturday, April 18, 2009


happy hour
but i'm so miss my family..
i already 2weeks didnt go back home
especially my teddy..=(
next week i must go back..
haha~ i know many of u miss me leh!!!!!
i got many asignment, u help me?
cant help me.. so i stay at here finished it haha...
and i hope that i dont want to skip any class.
i hate wednesday class n friday class..
i love saturday and sunday
i dont like 8am class.. i hv to wake up early in the moring on 6am
i scare to eat Mc D and mamak mee goreng!!
i dont like to drink MILO so i haven touch my MILO!
i dont like spent a lots of money at art materials and study stuff
i like to window shopping at gurney plaza coz i hv no money but i can go to walk around!
i like to eat tom yam MEE but everytime eat MEE untill i going to vomit!
i like visual studies and design fundamental this 2 class i didnt feel any stress!
and the rest say honestly i dont like computer n computing and also the comp app software!
haiz... why this 2 sub make me feel very very scare coz i dont know at all..
god bless me.. i can study well at here..
still got one assignment that is aided design first assignment..
the proposal already approved by mrs.chew but i'm stil worrying about the work.
coz i haven start to do because of i dont know how to use pc n draw it out..
i think this coming fews week will be very busy to learn about this all stuff!!
walala.. cant belief it? haha.. taking multimedia communication design got alotss of homework / assignment!!!!!!!!
i belive that one day i gonna be SIAO!!! hahahaahaa.... kdkd..

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