今天原本要去剪头发的,不是剪短 就对了。
最近我都很忙下,所以没时间~ 体谅我哦不是不要理你==
哈哈,去走走~ 我都好久没去逛街了~
嗯,明天要玩3G咯~ 呵呵,很久没玩了因为我这里是kampung
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
for my lovely 1..

recently my mood is down..
coz i'm gonna leave my home , i don't like to leave my family.
very less at home then i will be very miss my family.
when i need my family they are not beside me..
i'm easy to fall sick, i hope i can take good care for my health. if not some ppl keep nagging me!
i hate to eat madicine but i eat often..zZz..
feel wanna vomit~
maybe u will say that penang is near kedah..
but i also can't always go back home~ go back also 1 or 2days..
except holidays only..
my house will become very quiet without my crazy sound..
my brother will be lonely and also my teddy~
think off need to spent alot of money then i feel so sad..
so these day i feel headache when think about it...
so feel moody lorh...
not anyone else make me feel down..
is my problem..
argh~ no study feel harass study also feel harass..
really dont like larh..
Saturday, March 28, 2009
28march2009 when the light off~
28march2009 (E.hour)

8.30pm Saturday March 28, 2009
Lights-off to see your world in a new light.
switching off your lights for an hour on Saturday, March 28, 2009 at 8:30 pm.
Inviting your family, friends and colleagues to do the same by letting them know that you are participating in Earth Hour and that they should as well.
see the difference u can make ^^v
Friday, March 27, 2009
apple desert 26 march 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
since i'm single status..zah tiok!

Don't talk about LOVER larh....
FRIENDs larh all friends larh,no one is special for me now larh~
kacau kacao but ape? ish! jahatt betuii..make me can't breathe easy sometimes..
just stay away..
hold it..
diam,then i'm very gam xia..
if zah tiok me then i wont be very keh ki to treat u..
wait and see larh.. see how i revenge,dont trick gal like a fool..
why no one else understand me!
i'm suffering...
damn it!! fnck off...
nah!nah!nah! geram nia..zzZ
argue? break ur heart then...zzZ
so wat?? zzZz
don't care your feelings then..? so..
when see people crying then how u will feel??
don't get hurt by the Jerk..plzZz..
god bless.. happy always..
tO everyone..
Sunday, March 22, 2009
from yesterday after oncall with my friend at skype...
then i'm tired go to bed,but i can't sleep well..
whole night haven sleep!! untill morning 10am morning eat breakfast then do my things..
then rest for awhile..only i fall sleep one hour!!
damn it!! how could it be.. so suffer
then i'm tired go to bed,but i can't sleep well..
whole night haven sleep!! untill morning 10am morning eat breakfast then do my things..
then rest for awhile..only i fall sleep one hour!!
damn it!! how could it be.. so suffer
Saturday, March 21, 2009
或者你还是个学生没时间赚钱工作,用的钱都是家人的钱 家人给你的钱 是不是要好好珍惜呢?用那些钱花在读书的学费上是应该的,但是用家人的花在自己的女朋友身上应该吗?
这样一点都不会想,不会感到对不起家人吗? 真的要会想哦~
如果你想要给你的女朋友最好的,自己赚钱,自己买车,自己花自己的钱 不风光吗?
或者你还是个学生没时间赚钱工作,用的钱都是家人的钱 家人给你的钱 是不是要好好珍惜呢?用那些钱花在读书的学费上是应该的,但是用家人的花在自己的女朋友身上应该吗?
这样一点都不会想,不会感到对不起家人吗? 真的要会想哦~
如果你想要给你的女朋友最好的,自己赚钱,自己买车,自己花自己的钱 不风光吗?
Friday, March 20, 2009
you promised me..
okay,i'm waiting.
trusted and hopefully the promised might not be break.doubtless =)
i'll be very happy when you sing for me again the second times.
wish you recover quickly as well pigjr ..
trusted and hopefully the promised might not be break.doubtless =)
i'll be very happy when you sing for me again the second times.
wish you recover quickly as well pigjr ..
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Some word get on my nerve
Suddenly an invisible feelings,come it out when i was thinking from the past.
why the past stories can make me feel angry, even its past long time ago~
no one else can understand me.Thats why i angry myself,how could it be?
everthings can be slove when the problems come, when a person say the things is cant slove is that person problems,if that person really think it off and reslove the problem, then everythings will be fine. Avoid is not the good idea..the problem still cant remove.
so try to think wide,why so many case of suicide? they think the incident happened was too seriously and they choose to walk away to another space call paradise~
don't be so fool.. even i had this feelings.. i wont try to commit suicide,so sorry that i was spoke it to someone else,guilty.Don't worry..i'm okay~ if its really happen is not your fault,not cause from U.
i still wanna enjoy my life and achieve my dream.
that's all.. when i saw my friends headache thinking of the problem i'm so sad that i can't help them but at least i hope that they will share the problems with me,to reduce the stress.
why the past stories can make me feel angry, even its past long time ago~
no one else can understand me.Thats why i angry myself,how could it be?
everthings can be slove when the problems come, when a person say the things is cant slove is that person problems,if that person really think it off and reslove the problem, then everythings will be fine. Avoid is not the good idea..the problem still cant remove.
so try to think wide,why so many case of suicide? they think the incident happened was too seriously and they choose to walk away to another space call paradise~
don't be so fool.. even i had this feelings.. i wont try to commit suicide,so sorry that i was spoke it to someone else,guilty.Don't worry..i'm okay~ if its really happen is not your fault,not cause from U.
i still wanna enjoy my life and achieve my dream.
that's all.. when i saw my friends headache thinking of the problem i'm so sad that i can't help them but at least i hope that they will share the problems with me,to reduce the stress.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
cari makan lo~
Friday, March 13, 2009
my holidays~ left 23days..

me n mr.ten hhahahaa~( remember what u say lo i'll revenge one day wahaha)

me n yi wen..

this is the pic when i makan piza.. hahahaha~ XD
hohoho is time to countdown the rest of my holidays..
is time to busy to buy this buy that and worry this worry that..
is time to move on to the new environment..
is time to shut up dont talk about love..haha..=.=''
Thursday, March 5, 2009
hurrayy~ i already canceled my friendster account.. feel very sorry cause actually i wanna cancel all my acount there few months ago..
but my friend called me don;t.. =)
there don't anything i can do.. always ignore app aplication and upload photos only..
now i just left facebook's acc and my blog..haha..
inside my heart i have some word that wanna say it out..i notice that you come and view me..i just wana say~
(我在自我保护,不是不认你这位朋友)anyway.. keep in touch.
ooh.. waiting someone singing for me.. haha...
who is it?? let me think first what song i should call you sing leh... hahhaaa...
so expect leh..=.=..
err... dont make me dissapointed =)
something meant to be..
sorry seems to be the hardest word..
suddenly i felt sad but while i'm happy..
sorry for the friend who make me angry then i say something bad..=.=''
just dont going to mention that jerk larh..
i can do it, y u can't rite...? xD
yeah~ my friend holiday.. we gonna meet up..=)
meet u all soon..
on 8march2009-10march2009
i;m going to study soon.. going to face the another environment..by the way my sister also will come back this 13march2009.. but not firm yet.. i hope she will come back..
such a long time we didnt see you..
wow.. end up!
but my friend called me don;t.. =)
there don't anything i can do.. always ignore app aplication and upload photos only..
now i just left facebook's acc and my blog..haha..
inside my heart i have some word that wanna say it out..i notice that you come and view me..i just wana say~
(我在自我保护,不是不认你这位朋友)anyway.. keep in touch.
ooh.. waiting someone singing for me.. haha...
who is it?? let me think first what song i should call you sing leh... hahhaaa...
so expect leh..=.=..
err... dont make me dissapointed =)
something meant to be..
sorry seems to be the hardest word..
suddenly i felt sad but while i'm happy..
sorry for the friend who make me angry then i say something bad..=.=''
just dont going to mention that jerk larh..
i can do it, y u can't rite...? xD
yeah~ my friend holiday.. we gonna meet up..=)
meet u all soon..
on 8march2009-10march2009
i;m going to study soon.. going to face the another environment..by the way my sister also will come back this 13march2009.. but not firm yet.. i hope she will come back..
such a long time we didnt see you..
wow.. end up!
首先先讲我自己吧。啊哈哈,我肚子好饿哦~ 但是我要等弟弟从学校回来“家”因为一起吃午餐,这样我就不会那么闷嘛~ 每次都是一个人吃。现在白天家人都很少在家的 爸爸妈妈出去工作,我一个人在家罢了。哈哈~ 当然在家闷闷时可以睡迟迟也可以做家务咯=p 哈哈~
妈妈都说我懒惰~ 因为我很迟睡觉,所以才会迟醒啊~ 但是在早晨的沉睡当中妈妈开门跟我讲话交待我要做的家务 我只回答: 噢~ 噢 ~噢~ 眼睛是避着的! 但是我头脑还是很清醒地,只是我懒惰起身! 哈哈~ 有时候妈妈不要吵到我睡觉就跟弟弟说,但是没有一次是弟弟跟我说刚才妈妈交待什么什么的~妈妈跟弟弟说的同时我也是听进去的,因为我的房间很靠近弟弟的房间~ (玩游戏 玩到进脑)又没看你那么勤劳读书? 有是有,但我很少见。
今天早上妈妈开门告诉我她请人来清洗家里 就是那种所谓的“temporary maid”吧~告诉你们哦~妈妈说要去拜神所以我就起身帮忙看她有没有偷懒? 然后妈妈跟爸爸就出门了,她开始清理了,但是…………那么多工人,这是第一个让我觉得最糟糕!!!!
有两个字可以形容“够力”(请用福建来读),接着有四个数字可以形容“4896”Hahahahaa…. Remember go buy loteri today 今天(头奖)哇哈哈哈哈!!
好啦好啦,回正题~ 气死人了~ 人家清理屋子最少也5小时吧?如果工作做不完就接另外一天啊,她只用了1小时就说好了,我告诉她你还有很多还未清理哦~她说好,但是没清好~ 全部东西都做快快~ 然后很多东西没有抹!还有还有~ 我不能顶了就打电话给我妈妈 ,我妈妈说怎么可能那么快?她不信就会来看咯。她看到我自己在那边抹~
我:有啊告诉她两次了抹一下就说好了! 所以我自己出马~
妈妈,她就去问她做东西不可以那么快,才1小时你就把家中的东西清理好?! 你要快快做完可以但是要清洁~ 她开始跟我妈妈斗嘴了~ 说设么她抹那么多可以”加多”rm10吗?傻了吗?我自己做家务都没那么快!妈妈很生气的就说你朋友都没有这样啊~ 如果你不喜欢请你回~ !!
拜托!!!!!!! 她真的还有很多东西还没有做 我就给她RM20 算了算了!! 看到她抹地就知道她很肮脏~ 我自己抹都清洁过她多多倍!
妈妈叫我扫地然后给她抹地咯~ 我真的看不下去阿~ 王八蛋气到我整个肚子都是火不写文章真得不行。气!! 气!! 气!!还叫我跟妈妈说加钱给她!!! 我比较喜欢上一次的maid..那个很好。这个真的很失败~ 什么maid???什么工作态度?她妈的王八蛋!!!!
跟我妈妈吵说我家多风扇抹那么多应该加钱 ,叫她去死啦!! 这偏 文章我讲话就是那么没有口德了~ 气到我啊! 讲两句就脸黑黑~
************************这些人都一样的啦 得寸进尺 的**************************
妈妈都说我懒惰~ 因为我很迟睡觉,所以才会迟醒啊~ 但是在早晨的沉睡当中妈妈开门跟我讲话交待我要做的家务 我只回答: 噢~ 噢 ~噢~ 眼睛是避着的! 但是我头脑还是很清醒地,只是我懒惰起身! 哈哈~ 有时候妈妈不要吵到我睡觉就跟弟弟说,但是没有一次是弟弟跟我说刚才妈妈交待什么什么的~妈妈跟弟弟说的同时我也是听进去的,因为我的房间很靠近弟弟的房间~ (玩游戏 玩到进脑)又没看你那么勤劳读书? 有是有,但我很少见。
今天早上妈妈开门告诉我她请人来清洗家里 就是那种所谓的“temporary maid”吧~告诉你们哦~妈妈说要去拜神所以我就起身帮忙看她有没有偷懒? 然后妈妈跟爸爸就出门了,她开始清理了,但是…………那么多工人,这是第一个让我觉得最糟糕!!!!
有两个字可以形容“够力”(请用福建来读),接着有四个数字可以形容“4896”Hahahahaa…. Remember go buy loteri today 今天(头奖)哇哈哈哈哈!!
好啦好啦,回正题~ 气死人了~ 人家清理屋子最少也5小时吧?如果工作做不完就接另外一天啊,她只用了1小时就说好了,我告诉她你还有很多还未清理哦~她说好,但是没清好~ 全部东西都做快快~ 然后很多东西没有抹!还有还有~ 我不能顶了就打电话给我妈妈 ,我妈妈说怎么可能那么快?她不信就会来看咯。她看到我自己在那边抹~
我:有啊告诉她两次了抹一下就说好了! 所以我自己出马~
妈妈,她就去问她做东西不可以那么快,才1小时你就把家中的东西清理好?! 你要快快做完可以但是要清洁~ 她开始跟我妈妈斗嘴了~ 说设么她抹那么多可以”加多”rm10吗?傻了吗?我自己做家务都没那么快!妈妈很生气的就说你朋友都没有这样啊~ 如果你不喜欢请你回~ !!
拜托!!!!!!! 她真的还有很多东西还没有做 我就给她RM20 算了算了!! 看到她抹地就知道她很肮脏~ 我自己抹都清洁过她多多倍!
妈妈叫我扫地然后给她抹地咯~ 我真的看不下去阿~ 王八蛋气到我整个肚子都是火不写文章真得不行。气!! 气!! 气!!还叫我跟妈妈说加钱给她!!! 我比较喜欢上一次的maid..那个很好。这个真的很失败~ 什么maid???什么工作态度?她妈的王八蛋!!!!
跟我妈妈吵说我家多风扇抹那么多应该加钱 ,叫她去死啦!! 这偏 文章我讲话就是那么没有口德了~ 气到我啊! 讲两句就脸黑黑~
************************这些人都一样的啦 得寸进尺 的**************************
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